Friday 1 February 2013

Charity shops get up my nose

I am about to run out the door to go and collect my daughter from nursery. I have just returned from a jaunt around the local town and charity shops. I am so annoyed with the constant unprofessional customer service, I always receive in charity shops. At first when I am browsing, I am watched like a shop lifter and if I ever venture near the till, DVD's or anything worth money, I will immediately have a shop attendant blocking my way.
Then if I do see something, which I normally do. I will go to the counter and every time they will change their position and judgement from your not a shop lifter to, your now trying to pass fake notes. Lets say, I pull out as £20.00 note it will be viewed like a £50 note and more often then not, they will ask if I have anything smaller. Then my notes will be vigourously touched up and put up to the light and the pen will come out. Today, I was buying a pair of shoes for £4.99 and handed over a £5 note, the woman behind the counter went to ring up my sale, when from across the shop came rushing one of the attendants who had been watching me, shouting 'you have to check the note/money first'. I became annoyed and said 'do you really need to act this way over a £5 note. They defensively came out with the usual statement, we check every bodies money. I replied 'no you don't, I come into these shops weekly to daily and watch you take money from customers all the time without checking it first. Your making a character judgement on me and I don't like it. I will never go back into that particular shop ever again and feel like complaining to the management.

I am forever hearing about shop local campaigns to move people away from the big stores to local shops and I mostly try to use local shops. However, I am at the end of my tether with constantly being viewed as either a shop lifter or a potential fake note passer. I have never shop lifted in my life or passed a fake note. Its purely discrimination and charity shops in my opinion and experience are the worse for dreadful behaviour.