Thursday 31 January 2013

24 hours free of faceache book

Yeah, I am free to do what I want any ole time. At least it feels this way. I put my last post into faceachebook about 40 hours ago, saying 'I am going to take a break from facebook and thank you for the previous support and like or my daughters pictures but its time to part company for a while. I can't say I haven't had the compulsion to go back as its a kind of routine and ritual, plus people had messaged me. However, stay a way I will. It was doing my head in. I was sitting night after night, week after week, month after month etc bashing my life onto my wall, to receive a like every now and again. I truly felt like a troll by the end. I know part of the problem was I didn't flirt with anyone or talk on instant message and used my wall and comments to say everything I wanted to say. I had nothing to hide and I wanted nothing.
I became bored with people constant need to give advice without looking at all the facts or listening to my point of view. It seems if they have done something a certain way, then so should I. We are all different, similar because we are cruel humans but different in the control we have over said cruelty; to the land we live in and the people and animals we share the earth with.

This is a short post because I am just about to jump out the door. I have to endure my ex's house for the afternoon because she off to work and is waiting for a grandfather clock of something being delivered.

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