Sunday 27 January 2013

Its an unhealthy compulsion, sitting liking and re-sharing meaningless posts on face crooks. I went in because a friend had made a not so welcome comment on a picture I had uploaded and a friend of their's who had become a contact of mine had agreed with them. I felt a bit ambushed. I didn't mind my older friends comment its more the fact the other person agreed with them, at my expense, kind of put my back up. I will probably unfriend and block them as they obviously are reading into my life what they want and not what I am saying. I think what people really don't get is I had to teach myself how to read and write and have never sat an exam in my entire life. So when I write I can often make mistakes, I only see when I return to a post. I don't like people making statements about my life which includes the words unhealthy unless they are agreeing with something unhealthy I have pointed out, other wise I take it as a criticism. I wouldn't use the words unhealthy when it came to their life, so don't expect it back.

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