Saturday 26 January 2013

Decanting from facebook

How single mums deal with 2, 3 or more hyper active kids, I will never know. Phoebe has been battling all week to do what she wants to do or eat and nothing else. Today she doesn't want to go with her mum, so has been hiding all morning under beds and in cupboards, refusing to get dressed. When her mum eventually turned up about 1pm, we both battled to get her dressed, then she had a tantrum, about not wanting to go with her mum and wanted to stay here. Mum walked out crying and now Phoebe has reverted to containing me, from going anywhere. She is in for a sharp shock because we are getting on the next bus.

I started writing the above post for, either my personal wall or the page I manage on facebook. However, lately I have really started to question my use of facebook, especially as a blog come photo album.
Tonight  after returning from eventually handing my daughter over, to her mother. I cleaned my kitchen and sat down and staring back at me, was the above paragraph/update I had failed to press send on.

My issue with face book is the constant inappropriate advice people feel over whelmed to dish out, left, right and centre. Its usually ill informed, bland and something I would have already tried and posted about. I find if you try and ignore the advice, they will think its good advice and keep posting crap life instructions at you and if you say no offence,but I didn't ask for advice, then offence will be taken. Its a no win situation. So, I have reached my end with facebook as, a blog. I am no longer going to invest my time, energy or life experiences to my trivial wall or page.
I have been meaning to put some energy into kick starting this blog and here I am and now is as good a time as any to batter a few hundreds words into my keyboard.

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